Diaper Bag Diaries

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Non Candy Easter Basket Goodies

1. Legacy Learning Academy

I actually first discovered this shop when on the hunt for educational, non candy Easter items for my childrens baskets. The pastel hand kite and building blocks seemed like the perfect item to place in a girls basket. As my love for this company has grown, I now believe that literally any of their products would be the perfect addition to your child's basket. Or for any occasion really! Here are some of our favorites:

2. Baby Lit Board Books

I have been obsessed with these books for a few years now and I include a new one for every gift giving holiday. I was an avid reader of pretty advanced literature for my age group when I was a child and I love that there is a fun way I can share the titles that I love with my young children. The primers are wonderful to read at bedtime every night and soon enough your children will recognize more and more words night after night. 

And they now carry storybook versions for older readers! I am freaking out about this because that means as my kids get older we can continue to grow our collection and have excellent material to help them on their journey to learning how to read. 

Story time just can't get any more fashionable guys. 

3. Bath Bombs

Lets be real, kids go crazy for bath bombs. I don't quite understand it but I know the bathroom ends up smelling GREAT afterwards so I'm cool with it. 

4. Cuddle and Kind

These dolls are hand knit in Peru by women artisans and actually help save lives! As a consumer how often are your purchases really affecting change somewhere? For every doll you purchase, 10 meals are provided to children in need through the companies partnership with World Food Program USA, WE Charity, Breakfast Club of Canada, and Children's Hunger Fund. Meals aren't just about feeding children, it is about providing children with a chance at survival and a chance to break out of the poverty cycle. 

5. Amazon Saves The Day

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Amazon is a moms best friend and I love including a variety of knick knacks like no spill bubbles, chalk, and Easter egg play dough. 

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