About Me... 

I might sound crazy, but there is nothing I enjoy more than traveling with my children. Whether the adventure is local to Chicago or across state lines, there is nothing like experiencing the world through a child's eyes. 

I know so many parents with anxiety about going almost anywhere in public with their babes and I'm here to convince you that it's worth it. It may be stressful, demanding, and embarrassing at times, but you CAN do it! Pack up that diaper bag and hit the road.

Follow along for travel tips and general inspiration as we traipse through Chicago, travel throughout the U.S., and (fingers crossed) out of the country. Does it seem impossible? It's not. 

"Somewhere in the world someone is doing something that you decided couldn't be done." - Seth Godin

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

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Follow me on Instagram @thediaperbagdiaries