In A Pikle: Product Review and Giveaway

Pepper Pikle in Sunset! Perfect size for the diaper bag! 

Pepper Pikle in Sunset! Perfect size for the diaper bag! 

How often have you found yourself in a bit of a parenting pickle? All of a sudden without band aids, changing pad, or tweezers perhaps? We can pretend that next time we'll be prepared but company, In A Pikle, has made a ready to go organizer that is both fashionable and practical! Their motto states, "all the things you need disguised as a fashionable accessory." 

In exchange for my honest review, I chose the Pepper Pikle in sunset. (Pictured above) Super cute and fits perfectly in my Lily-Jade diaper bag. I love that the organizer is small enough that it won't take up very much room and that I can always trust to have it ready to supply me with what I need when I find myself in my next "pickle."


I also received the "In A Pikle Bundle." That is the big brother to the smaller organizer. I love this one for keeping in the car! The changing pad and wipes holder make this the perfect emergency kit for parents on the go. I plan on keeping this next to a pile of extra diapers and outfits for those "oh no" moments when you realize you have a diaper emergency. And there are still plenty of pockets for whatever other items you want to keep stocked. 


So how does the whole process work? 

Step 1: Choose an adorable organizer bag! They come with 4 clear sleeves which when inserted, equal 8 pouches. It's amazing how you can fit so much into a small organizer!

Step 2: Buy individual necessity / emergency items OR make it easy on yourself and purchase a Starter Pak! The Starter Pak consists of 22 items like bandages, tweezers, sewing kit, etc. 

Step 3: Keep in your purse, car, diaper bag, office, teachers desk, locker, etc and you'll always be prepared!

P.S. They make Pikle's for MEN too! 

With all of these recent graduates and end of the school year gifts for teachers, these would make perfect gifts! Not to mention wedding season is upon us! What a perfect emergency kit for a bride OR the most useful bridesmaid gift ever?! Not only are they adorable but considering how much they can be utilized, this gift will be one that keeps on giving. Or... buy one for yourself! Β 

Make sure to head to my Instagram and enter the giveaway! The giveaway will be open for entry Wednesday May 30th ending at midnight Friday June 1st.