A Deep Dive Into The Monthly Bubble: Goldfish Swim School

 Disclosure: Goldfish Swim School is an ongoing partner of Diaper Bag Diaries however, all opinions are my own. 


If you are on the Goldfish Swim School mailing list, you may have noticed that each month a new theme is announced in the monthly bubble. If you are like me, you may have paid little to no attention to how that theme was being incorporated into your children's swim lessons.

I was curious to know more about it so I decided to ask the management team of our local Goldfish how this months Superhero theme was going to help my two little swimmers.

What began as an idle curiosity developed into pure fascination as my eyes were opened to the manner in which the Goldfish instructors make children so comfortable around water. Using each months theme they encourage children to perfect important skills without even knowing it.  

Take the August superhero theme for example. Your child’s teacher may say things like... 

  • Fly like a Superman/Supergirl (Superman Glides)
  • Climb out of the pool like Spiderman (Fin, Fin, Belly, Flipper)
  • Look for the Batman symbol in the sky (Sea Otter Float)
  • Talk to the fish like Aquaman (Blow Bubbles)
  • Work on your muscles like the Hulk (Pulling Paddle)
  • Fire up your rocket shoes like Iron Man (Kick on the Barbell)

What a fun way to encourage hesitant children! My son already loves swim class but since he loves superhero’s, this really kicked up his excitement and engagement with class. What kid is going to turn down an opportunity to be like Superman or Spider-Man? 

We are so excited to hear about September’s theme in our next monthly bubble as well as keep tabs on family swim nights and other events going on at Goldfish!  


Our little Aquaman....